Dental Crown & Bridges

Dental crown also known as a Cap is a prosthetic device that is placed on broken down or defective tooth structure in order to strengthen it, improve its function or its overall aesthetics. If a single tooth is replaced then it is known as a crown and if multiple teeth are replaced the prosthetic is then called a bridge.

Dr. Reiyal is a specialist in crown and bridge dentistry(prosthodontist) and you would be in the best of hands if this is what you require.

A crown is usually made up of either metal, ceramic or a combination (known as PFM Porcelain Fused to Metal) of both. At Reiyal’s dentistry we prefer the use of only ceramic crowns (also known as metal-free restorations) as these tend to be more advantageous over PFM or Metal.

Procedure: The affected tooth is prepared by special instruments and made smaller in size to receive the corresponding new crown. This procedure is carried out under dental anaesthesia however, if the tooth has received a root canal, then anaesthesia is not required.

Once the tooth is adequately shaped, an impression will be made of the tooth so that the dental laboratory can go ahead and fabricate your tooth. This makes the process completely customised to you and what you receive in the end is one of a kind.

At the Kemps Corner center, you will never leave without a crown in your mouth. Your tooth will be covered by a temporary plastic crown so as to protect the underlying tooth structure. This crown will remain in place until the permanent crown is cemented in.

Your permanent crown is cemented in place after the lab is done fabricating it. The temporary crown is removed and your tooth is prepared using various agents, to receive the new cap. The prosthetic crown is cemented in place using special cements. The tooth is adjusted into your bite and you are good to go!

How many appointments will I require to receive a dental crown?

Usually, two sittings for just the crown are required. The first appointment involves tooth preparation, making of the model for the laboratory and placement of a temporary crown. The final crown is cemented and adjusted in the second appointment.

However, if the tooth requires any additional procedures like gum surgery, root canal or orthodontic movement the number and duration of appointments will vary.

What determines the dental crown and bridge treatment cost?

There are multiple factors that may alter the crown and bridge treatment cost. The most common causes would be number of procedures involved and material selected for the final crown and bridge.

Is the dental bridge a better option than the dental implant?

Not always. This decision is made by the prosthodontist keeping all your clinical, functional, aesthetic and financial requirements in mind.

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